
Resolutions for Evolution

Materialise The Infinity Within Youtravel-legs-happy-quote-wall

It’s part of human nature to strive towards progress. To do better, be better and get better – Whether you look at it technologically or naturally, from mp3 players to iPods and from jungle apes to human perfection.
To me, progress is a step forward and a leap into the unknown, I say this because while we slowly and steadily tip toe our way ahead, we still are unaware of what we are actually stepping into. Yet that has never stopped us from driving straight on into the unknown. We the millennial generation, no longer tip toe to the unknown, we now blaze ahead with the pedal to the metal.
We’re all going very fast, but going nowhere.
Don’t get me wrong, progress is great and is supremely important, but my question is, what are you progressing towards? What direction? Is there only one destination? Is there only one route?
Our relentless drive to be not just the best, but rather first has handicapped our ability to be aware. Like horses with blinders we see not the beauty of our journey, but a routinely round track that we follow, again and again, day in and day out grasping for that one breath and the red flag of the finish line.
To me, I see that red flag bright and clear, telling me to stop.
So I’m telling you. Stop.
We’ve been all running this race to get that perfect grade, that perfect university and that perfect body that we’ve stopped enjoying who we are and where we are and this process of getting better. We’ve been blinded by the ambition of one goal, but whosoever said that’s all we are capable of?
We must strive to progress in all endeavours and aspects of your life, and more importantly, we must work towards being a better, happier versions of ourselves.
Those 100 likes on Instagram don’t decide if you had a good holiday, putting that status up for poverty and war doesn’t mean you’re helping out. Getting into that Ivy League doesn’t mean you’ve above everyone else, and that flat stomach doesn’t mean you’re entirely healthy.
I don’t mean to belittle anyone’s hard efforts, but I mean to get your attention, don’t lose sight of everything else and everyone else around you and don’t think that’s all you can/must achieve. There is a lot more to life, than this rat race we are constantly throwing ourselves into, for everything that we do.
So this year, don’t let your resolution stick to drop 5 kgs, quit smoking, pick a hobby, or get a good grade. Do all of it and more! Do things that make you a better person and a happier person. You’ll find your passion and peace. You’ll be better at everything you do, and you’ll be better to everyone else in your life. This is what progress is. This is what we should strive to achieve.
“Want to be happy? Be grateful.” A beautiful Ted talk by David Steindl-Rast that changed my perspective towards life.
With that core concept, here are a few ideas, play around with them to suit yourself but here’s how you can start and make this year’s resolution a really cool and fun one that actually changes your outlook on life, to make you a happier, healthier and successful person, inside and out.

Insta happy


For all those Instajunkies, use your Instagram to post a picture every single day of a thing, a place, a person or an event that made you happy or smile or even took away your mind from the sadness. Being grateful is the surest way to being happy. Reduce those selfies, and try looking outside for the things that make you feel better inside! The fact that it needs to go up on Insta will make you look harder even if you feel sad, and make you more appreciative towards life.

Noted Gratitude

For the old souls, buy a neat looking diary that you’d enjoy going through and make sure to fill it every single day with pictures and memories and small little things that make you happy or grateful. It can be as simple as just one line saying you’re grateful for that cup of good cutting chai, a haircut done well or being grateful for your mom’s pasta.

Attracting Dreams
This one is inspired by the talented and fabulous Lewis Caroll, the author of Alice and Wonderland. The first thing he did when he woke up would ask or list down 6 things he really wanted, he truly believed that the Law of Attraction was mesmerisingly powerful after carrying out this simple ritual everyday as he kept getting surprised by how these things started coming true. I see this as a great way of also being more aware of your deepest desire and outlook towards what you want in your life.

My personal favourite – Task Jars:

Here’s a fun thing to do with a friend(s). Sit together and make notes, these can either by 365 one task for each day or 52 one for each week (52 tasks select sticky note of one colour and add in some more notes with another colour with motivational quotes, some extra loving, sweet memories). Tasks have to be as simple as possible, like buy a homeless man a meal, call up your relative you haven’t spoken to in years, go on adventure this week, give 3 random people compliments that will make them smile, surprise your best friend or do something you’ve never done before, find yourself a hobby and do it for one whole month, no skipping. These are just some examples you can use to guide you.
So here are a few guides, on how to progress in the right direction – not just your work, but yourself. Be happier and a better version of yourself, every single day. They’ll make the not-so-good days less hard to battle and help you truly achieve a successful memorable year.
Most of all, they’ll help make us create a better world with better people in which we want to grow old in. We are built with the same atoms that this mesmerising universe has been created with; remember that and materialise the infinity within you.

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